Sunday, November 26, 2017

FALL 2023
Below are links to give greater understanding to how P-Ville works 

1) DOD Instructional Video by P4 La Rue 2017 
2) Instructional Video for Supreme Council / Committees / Debates by P6 Lipsey & Hana 2015

3) SC Committees by Haffty 2022
4) Parliamentary Meeting Procedures (King P would like P-Villians to make a video like this relevant to P-ville) 
5) Robert's Rules for Supreme Council (detailed 18 minutes)
6) Robert's Rules for Supreme Council (in 2 Minutes)
4)  Master Mo's Guide to TDIH by P6 Muhammad 2024 Link
4) Stock Exam Prep Video by USB P6 Hayden Nguyen
5) Stock Market Capital Gains Tax Video by Stock Brokers of 2018
8) Haffty Calculator Video 2024

1) Law Enforcement Tutorial by P 2017
2) Police Chief Overview by Martinez & Ashleyn T 2019
3) Police Chief Digital Citations by Taylor Benedict 2020
4) Cheating Videos -  (Original) (Short PSA) / (Longer)

12) Supreme Messages to the Future

King P would like to see P-Ville Citizens continually developing all of P-Ville including the P-Instructional Videos. P-Ville is for you, the people, to develop and evolve. As King P says, Vive le evolution!"